Thursday, October 16, 2008


OK, hold on to your hat.

The man, the legend, Joe The Plumber, is full of shit.

He does not make $250,000

So the entire final debate of the most important election of our time, was wasted on some bald liar who snakes toilets. His name was mentioned more than Iraq, and more than the Economy.

Joe The Plumber is a registered Republican who believed Obama was a socialist before he walked up to him.

Here is my favorite part.

Joe the Plumber is not a licensed plumber.

Click to Enlarge.

So the guy isn't even paying taxes in the first fucking place.


Ro said...

McCain pulls facts out of his ass when he's backed up against the wall. Remember when he said Petraeus rolls around Iraq in an unarmed humvee? I love this video...

Ro said...

And why is his and now Palin's lips firmly attached to Petraeus' buttocks all of the time anyhow?

Otto said...

She finally figured out how to pronounce his name, and likes to show it off.

Ro said...

Now if only she could pronounce "nuclear". Or anything that ends with a "g".