Friday, October 17, 2008

Mark Wahlberg is Still a Racist

This idiot is still at it.

In 1988, Mark Walberg beat Vietnamese-American Thanh Lam (or as Wahlberg called him, "Vietnam fucking shit") as Lam was carrying groceries to his residence. Not only did Lam have to overnight in the hospital, but he actually lost one of his eyes in the attack.

Now, Wahlberg is going to fly to New York, locate Andy Samberg, and "slap him in that big nose" because of a skit Samberg did on SNL at Wahlberg's expense.

IMDB lists his height at 5' 8½. I've actually met Wahlberg a few times. I'd put him at around 5'5. But add in the napoleon complex and he's well over 8'0.


Otto said...

That SNL skit is hilarious.

Ro said...

I agree. And the fact that it pissed Wahlberg off so bad makes it even better.

Scott said...

He was obviously joking in that clip about being upset. If you've ever seen Kimmel's show you'd know such things take place. I think it's brave of an actor to do such things because there's people that can't tell the difference between reality and humor.

So if someone said "punch so and so in his fat stomach" is it racist? The fact that you put "big nose" and a race together makes me question who's really racist, sir!

Anonymous said...

laddy da well arent you special... "I've actually met Wahlberg a few times"

sure ya did....hey did you follow him in the BR and take a snap shot of his hog? (its not ne asking, joe wanted to know)

Ro said...

ya seen one midget's hog, you've seen them all. Joe should know this already!

Joe said...

That skit that Hot Rod did was fucking point on.
Also, I have heard that Marky Mark takes himself VERY fact, at the end of Rockstar, there's a outtake how HEATED he gets when they start playing "Good Vibrations".
Oh, and you aren't supposed to call him Marky Mark anymore either...he apparently hates that.

Ro said...

yeah he's heated. He said this to a NY Post reporter...

"Someone showed it to me on YouTube. It wasn't like Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin, that's for sure. And "Saturday Night Live" hasn't been funny for a long time."

I thought the skit was fucking hilarious.

Scott said...

yeah, you're right. the full quote of what he said also had Wahlberg saying "I thought it would be funnier" as a precursor as to what you just put up, Ro.

Pissed or not (and I don't believe he's sincerely pissed to where he is going to fight the guy) saying someone has a big fucking nose, when they HAVE a big fucking nose doesn't make him a racist.

With all the jokes you throw around about race and that on this site and those were are all prone to toss about - myself heavily included in that - I really doubt you can label him a racist. Especially when he's joking about being pissed.

You do know where the whole Matt Damon vs Kimmel thing came from right? You know how many people thought Damon was pissed at the time? Just sayin' everyone's got a part to play...

and SNL ain't been funny since Eddie left.

Anonymous said...

Is it even an insult to call someone 'racist' anymore? It's like calling someone a 'witch'. Doesn't really carry much moral weight.

Ro said...

yes I agree that the word "racist" is flung around too much to be considered a big huge insult. But frankly, racist or not, I still think he is an angry little man. But I also think he was the only actor to do an "okay" performance in the POS movie "The Happening". But as far as the "vietnamese shit" comment, according to the policeman report, he didn't even know the guy. He just attacked the guy because he was vietnamese.